Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

ISA ERP Private Limited values the trust you place in us. That's why we insist upon the highest standards for secure transactions and customer information privacy. Please read the following statement to learn about our information-gathering and dissemination practices.

01 - We protect your privacy

Our privacy policy is simple and transparent: any information you share with us stays with us. We do not rent, sell, lend, or otherwise distribute your and your customer’s personal information without your permission to anyone for any reason other than that permitted by you like for Lead Generation. This includes your and your customer’s contact information, as well as specific operational information. If you opt for the Lead Generation feature, it means you have permitted us to share your contact details. In that case, based on the Product or Service demand placed by you, your contact details namely, mobile number, Email Id, and address may be shared with other relevant members who offer such or similar Products and/or Services. Further, If you opt for the Lead Generation Option, your contact details mentioned above may be shared with other App Users as a prospective customer, matching their Customer profile desired by them. We limit data access to only those who really need to know. Within our organization, your personal data is accessible to only a limited number of employees of our organization and our collaborative partners like the cloud service data provider with special access privileges. Although we may, from time to time, compile general demographic information based on your order, this information is shared within our organization only and has no identifiable personal data associated with it.

02 - Information Collected

Out of our various software Applications, depending on the application being used by you, to enable you to process the information and get desired output, only the information relevant to the application is collected, for example for ISA Mobile Application, Your First Name, Your Last Name, and Your Address, City, Zip code, State, Country, Phone Number, and Contact E-mail address, similarly information of your Lead and work-related information like Your Products, Financial and Sales Goals will be also be collected.

03 - Information Modification

You can modify your personal details by accessing the Edit Profile option and user input screens of related Applications.

04 - ​Information Usage

The most important usage of the information collected from you is to enable desired output from the respective application. Further, your email, Mobile number, and address are used to communicate with you regarding Application issue resolution or commercial matters. Your email is also used to inform you of your customer-service-related queries and for any newsletters sent. All other information collected is confidentially stored and will not be disclosed without your permission unless needed as per the requirement of the law authorities or in case of any disputes.